Resignation Letter How to write one + Template

Writing a resignation letter can be a difficult task, but it’s important to do it as professionally and respectfully as possible. A Lot of workers today have a tendency to walk off the job, or stop showing up, but as any good Career Coach will tell you, that can harm you much more than you know. Here are a few resignation letter how to’s to send you off in the most professional manner possible.

Be professional and respectful

Regardless of your reasons for leaving, it’s important to remain professional and respectful in your resignation letter. Avoid negative comments or criticisms about the company, your colleagues, or your manager.

Give appropriate notice

It’s customary to give at least two weeks notice before your last day of work. This gives your employer time to make arrangements for your departure and to find a replacement if necessary. 

Offer to help with the transition

As mentioned earlier, offering to assist with the transition can help ensure a smooth departure and maintain a positive relationship with your employer. 

Follow up with a thank you note

After you have submitted your resignation letter it’s a good idea to follow up with a thank you note to your manager and colleagues. This will leave a positive impression and show your appreciation for the time you spent at the company.

Prepare for the exit interview

Your employer may ask you to participate in an exit interview. This is an opportunity to provide feedback and offer suggestions for improvement. Keep in mind though that it’s also important to be constructive and professional in your comments.

Tie up loose ends

Before your last day of work, make sure to tie up any loose ends, and complete any outstanding projects. This can help ensure a smooth transition and provide much needed help to those taking the reigns after you are gone.

Keep in touch

If you had a positive experience at the company, consider keeping in touch with your former colleagues and manager. Exchanging phone numbers, email or even connecting on Linkedin can help maintain your professional network and lead to future opportunities.

Resignation Letter Template

Start with a clear and direct statement that you are resigning. Be sure to include the date of your last day of work.

Example “Dear [Manager’s Name], I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [Your Job Title] effective [Date of Last Day of Work].”

Express your appreciation for the opportunity to work for the company.

Example “I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to work for [Company Name]. I am grateful for the knowledge and experience I have gained during my time here.”

Provide a brief reason for your resignation. You can keep this general, but it’s important to be honest and transparent.

Example “After careful consideration, I have decided to pursue other career opportunities that align more closely with my long-term goals.”

Offer to assist with the transition by completing any outstanding projects or helping to train your replacement.

Example “I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and am willing to complete any outstanding projects or provide training for my replacement during my remaining time here.”

Close with a positive statement and offer to stay in touch.

Example “Thank you again for the support and opportunities provided during my time here. I wish the company continued success in the future. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in the transition. I look forward to staying in touch.”

Sign off with your name and contact information.

Example “Sincerely, [Your Name]

Email: [Your Email]

Phone: [Your Phone Number]”